Introduction to
Astrological Herbalism Class

This past September for the Exactitude of my Saturn Return I had the honor to be able to Teach at the Great Lakes Herb Faire where I was able to premier my ‘Introduction to Astrological Herbalism’ Class for the first time! I have just recently been able to get around to editing the video documentation I took of that class into a presentable format that is now available for you! I had so much fun giving this class and I am so thankful I can now share it with those who were unable to attend in person <3
~No Prior Familiarity Necessary~
Pay What You Can
Please Donate what you can
to support my growing body of work
or Book a Reading with me!
Suggested $3-$30
Part 1:
*Core Principles of Correspondence
*(Learn how Astrology can enhance your Ayurvedic/Temperament understanding)
*Natal Chart (Elements, Modes, Signs, Houses, Aspects)
*Planets / Dignity / Energetics
Part 1
Part 2:
*How to ID Ruling Planets for Plants + Examples
*Astrological Timing for Planting & Harvesting,
I use Astrology just about every day
to support my own experience of life,
and I love sharing the way I practice Astrology
with others who are curious to benefit from it.

Having a well-established and ever growing relationship with Astrological symbolism, I very much enjoy empowering those I engage with to begin or deepen their own relationship to their personal Birth Chart;
a journey leading towards a more intimate, compassionate,
and clear relationship to self.

I have benefitted from these sources being made available to me, I offer them here in the hope of extending that benefit to others
Mark G.
Alexander's Insights Gave Me
A New Way To Love Myself.

Corinne D.
They were professional in the ways that I love most: Graceful delivery, intuitive to needs,
super knowledgeable,
patient, FUN, warm, and SAFE.

Patricia O.
He has shown me how to just BE. How to be me, be in the moment, be happy with my decisions, be open to learning and accepting, and to just be love.