Introduction to
Astrological Herbalism Class

This past September for the Exactitude of my Saturn Return I had the honor to be able to Teach at the Great Lakes Herb Faire where I was able to premier my ‘Introduction to Astrological Herbalism’ Class for the first time! I have just recently been able to get around to editing the video documentation I took of that class into a presentable format that is now available for you! I had so much fun giving this class and I am so thankful I can now share it with those who were unable to attend in person <3
~No Prior Familiarity Necessary~
Pay What You Can
Please Donate what you can
to support my growing body of work
or Book a Reading with me!
Suggested $3-$30
Part 1:
*Core Principles of Correspondence
*(Learn how Astrology can enhance your Ayurvedic/Temperament understanding)
*Natal Chart (Elements, Modes, Signs, Houses, Aspects)
*Planets / Dignity / Energetics
Part 1
Part 2:
*How to ID Ruling Planets for Plants + Examples
*Astrological Timing for Planting & Harvesting,
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Things to Know
First and foremost I consider myself a Human, above my assumed title as an Astrologer, Catalyst, or any other Identity. From the space and understanding I hold for my own humanity comes the main energy through which I offer space to hold for others. Astrology is fundamentally a modality that I use as an access point to address and connect with each person’s human condition.
I believe there are two main factors to the successful practice of Astrology. One is being able to look at a chart in all it’s complexity and draw significance from the symbols and their placements, aspects, and conditions. The second is the ability to communicate that information in an accessible, meaningful, and practically valuable way to people who possesses their own unique perspective in understanding Astrology. I make it a high priority to use my conversational vocabulary in a way that is expansive yet easily comprehensible from wherever people are at.
While I have been studying and living with Astrological symbolism for over 19 years, I know I will always be learning and growing each time I look at a chart; and while I am here to hold space and facilitate self-recognition through exploring charts, I am also open and eager to learn new things from each person I sit down with.
I am not here to tell you who you are, nor am I here to tell you what will happen to you in the course of your life in any definitive or predictive terms. To me this is an unethical practice of Astrology for various reasons.
What I am here to do is to engage in a conversation with you about where you are at in life, how it feels for you, and how you are currently navigating your circumstances. It is then that I will begin to reference your birth chart in order to discern a deeper archetypal context of your experiences and offer perspectives on various ways to move through and dance with them. While I am primarily here to facilitate this process, I am also here to hold space for you to check in with your self and allow your own insights and self-realizations to blossom.
I believe one of Astrology’s greatest strengths is being able to provide that higher level vantage point from which to see ourselves walking through the forest; to see the patterns of our behaviors and relationships with greater understanding. Astrology can provide a unique feeling of objective validation and grounded reassurance in how we experience and relate to our sense of self that can also empower us to move more deeply into a compassionate and supportive feedback cycle with life.
And yet throughout my time facilitating chart explorations, I have established a style of engagement that does not overly limit myself to accessing only astrological information within a session. I have developed a way to allow my fuller human experience to be present and accessible to the people I am conversing with. With your birth chart as the main reference point, if something that I have learned about life through my time traveling, or studying martial arts, or working with plants, etc. calls itself to be relevant, I will allow those insights to offer themselves to you as well.
My main psychological background comes through the work of Carl Jung, and so through our conversation I may draw to the surface experiences from your past, childhood, relationships with your parents or care-givers, and other significant archetypal figures in your life. Then use your chart as a mirror to see more clearly such things that may continue to play an influential role in our adult lives. In this regard please be aware that I may touch on very personal and sensitive issues through your chart symbolism, yet be assured I always aim to bring awareness to these places gently and will never force or push anything you may not be ready or willing to bring up with me in the moment. I honor your own path, process, and timing.
Through the experience of an Astrological Chart Exploration with me,
the main goals I am always looking to fulfill are:
Creating a comfortable, safe, and personable atmosphere in which to share our time together.
A felt sense of clear communication and responsiveness to your current needs.
An increase in ability to tap into your strengths, and a greater capacity to hold compassion and understanding for your challenges.
Enhanced self-awareness and acceptance leading to a greater relaxation and ease of existential tension.​
The ability to find lessons and growth opportunities in most occurrences; boosting one's resilience in facing life head-on.​
A stronger sense of meaningful connection to the world around us, and a greater sense of unique purpose.
Chart Explorations Available Online (Zoom) or In-Person (Metro Detroit Area)
If you feel called to experience a Chart Exploration with me,
I invite you to fill out and submit the intake questionnaire