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Natal Chart Questionnaire
Check up to five (5) categories you are interested in:

Choose your Focus:

Initial Consult

Familiarize and align yourself to your unique energetic architecture. Most supportive for bringing awareness to your fundamental motivations, impulses, and orientation to the world. Explore what strategies you have been employing to express your energy and meet your needs.

Follow-up/ Check-in
Includes references to your personal current transits. Maps out the timescale of shifting energy patterns and designates durations of general challenge and support in specific areas of life. Explore evolving strategies to better meet your needs and live your values.

Your Focus:

Choose your Depth:

Pay What You Can

$5-50 sliding scale

  • I will send you a personal voice recording up to 15-minutes of me speaking on the parts of your natal chart highlighted by your intake form entries.

  • First come, First serve basis however clients on other tier options will be prioritized.

  • Typically delivered between 2-8 days.

Skim The Surface​

 $50-100 sliding scale

  • Up to 40-minute exploration with me, talking through my first-impressions of the most significant placements in your chart.

  • Mapping out the most valuable components for further self-study.

  • You get a copy of your chart and a recording of the consultation.


Get Your Feet Wet​

 $100-200 sliding scale

  • Up to 1-hour exploration with me, more in-depth impressions and highlighting pattern connections through detailed aspects of your chart. 

  • Mapping out the most valuable components for further self-study. 

  • You get a copy of your chart and a recording of the consultation.


Let's Dive In

 $200-$400 sliding scale

  • Up to 2-hour exploration with me.

  • Everything mentioned above including resources and specific action steps how to grow with your chart moving forward.

  • You get a copy of your chart and a recording of the consultation.

Your Depth:

To learn about payment

accessibility options 
and other available forms of
energy exchange,

Thank You for Reaching Out

I Vow to keep all information and details of your Intake form and our Consultation confidential unless given explicit permission from you otherwise.

After you Submit your Intake, I will follow up with you via email about scheduling and payment. Please allow a few days to receive a response. 


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