Introduction to
Astrological Herbalism Class

This past September for the Exactitude of my Saturn Return I had the honor to be able to Teach at the Great Lakes Herb Faire where I was able to premier my ‘Introduction to Astrological Herbalism’ Class for the first time! I have just recently been able to get around to editing the video documentation I took of that class into a presentable format that is now available for you! I had so much fun giving this class and I am so thankful I can now share it with those who were unable to attend in person <3
~No Prior Familiarity Necessary~
Pay What You Can
Please Donate what you can
to support my growing body of work
or Book a Reading with me!
Suggested $3-$30
Part 1:
*Core Principles of Correspondence
*(Learn how Astrology can enhance your Ayurvedic/Temperament understanding)
*Natal Chart (Elements, Modes, Signs, Houses, Aspects)
*Planets / Dignity / Energetics
Part 1
Part 2:
*How to ID Ruling Planets for Plants + Examples
*Astrological Timing for Planting & Harvesting,
A Note on Payments
I do not typically accept full-payment until after we have had our chart exploration together for several reasons;
-It helps keep expectations and any anticipation over 'getting one's value worth' to a minimum, leaving ample room for an organic experience.
-For many who have never had an Astrological Chart Exploration the process can be vulnerable enough, and I believe being able to pay after supports a sense of comfort and assurance throughout.
-It also keeps me motivated as a practitioner to deliver my best in each session.
You are trusting me to have access, refer to, and comment upon your Birth Chart, and I trust you to honor and respect what I offer and the effort I put in to facilitate a supportive experience for you.
Accessibility is important to me. I believe that anyone who feels they may benefit from what I have to offer should have the opportunity to. Check out these options below and let me know what feels best for you.
I'm open to discuss and compromise.
All Offerings are based on a Sliding Scale, allowing you to offer what is accessible and feels best for you within an expected window of what I have stated works for me.
Accepted Payment Types:
Paypal, Venmo, Cash, Check, Trade, Crypto (via uphold or coinbase)
PayPal Email:
Venmo @Aahweyer
Payment Plans:
*Pay deposit on your session beforehand, pay the rest, at once, afterwards. Preferred method.
For those who have access to enough monetary value so as not to create hardship or strain upon their own resources.
Pay over time after you receive your session (through recurring payment installments on Paypal) *no fee or interest added
For those who would benefit from an in-depth chart exploration but the full cost of which would feel like a burden to pay all at once, may choose the option to pay in smaller portions on a monthly basis.
Barter/Trade: I accept energy exchanges in other forms beside money. I also accept value in terms of: Therapeutic sessions. Massage/body work. Herbal Medicine, Food, Help with my Tiny house or in my Garden, Seeds, Handcrafted Tools/Talismans. Artwork. Educational Opportunities.
For those who would benefit from an in-depth chart exploration but the cost of which, paid in monetary form, would create hardship, and are willing to offer their own goods/services/energy in exchange.
Gift: pay for someone else to receive a session that you know
Sponsor/Scholarship: pay for someone else to receive a session that you don’t know.
Pay-What-You-Can: On occasion I offer chart explorations at a 'pay-what-you-can' level for people as needed, this means that you pay me whatever works best for you anywhere from $5-$50-$500-etc. directly after the reading, no strings attached. Please email me directly if you would like to claim one of them.
Further Questions please email me at